Martin Brandt's ancestors

Vernon Bertel Ringdell

Was 21 years old.
Father: Rudolf Ludvig Ringdell (1875 - 1959)
Mother: Hulda Maria Felt (1879 - 1966)
Born1906 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA1)
Dead16 Jan 1927 Pinellas County, Florida, USA2) The Evening Independent - Jan 17, 1927
Vernon Bertell Ringdell, 20 years old who came here from Chicago one month ago, died Sunday afternoon at one o'clock at a local hospital. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ringdell, who are in the city, and one sister and brother, Mildred and Roy Ringdell, in Chicago.
Last updated: 17 Oct 2021