Martin Brandt's ancestors

Svenborg Amalia Nilsson

Was 85 years old.
Born12 Sep 1883 Helsingborgs Maria (M)1)
Settled in16 Sep 1904 USA2)
Dead22 Apr 1969 Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA3) Mrs. Carl H. Peterson
Services for Mrs. Svenborg Nil-
son Peterson, 85, of 388 Midland
street, widow oaf Carl H. Peter-
son, who died Tuesday in St.
Francis hospital, Hartford, will
take place Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
in the Larson funeral home, 2498
North avenue, and at 2 o'clock
in St. Mark's Lutheran church
with the Rev. Frank A. Ander-
son, pastor, officiating. Burial
will be in Mountain Grove ceme-
Born in Helsingborg, Sweden,
Mrs. Peterson was a resident of
Bridgeport 60 ears. She was a
member of the Lutheran Church
Women; the Blenda Sture lodge
7, V. O. of A; and the S and B
society, Svea.
Survivors are three sons, Sven
H Peterson of Port Charlotte,
Fla., Capt. Carl E. Peterson
(U.S. Navy, ret.) of Tuxedo Park,
N.Y., and Oscar H. Peterson of
Bridgeport; a daughter Mrs.
Ann Lomnitzer of Granby; five
grandchildren, two great-grand-
sons and several nieces and
Family with Carl Hjalmar Peterson (1873 - 1955)
  • Sources
  • 1. Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) AIIa:34 (1900-1908), Bild 2200 / sid 5555 (AID: v259712.b2200.s5555, NAD: SE/LLA/13171)
  • 2. Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) AIIa:32 (1900-1907), Bild 2410 / sid 4977 (AID: v259710.b2410.s4977, NAD: SE/LLA/13171)
  • 3. The Bridgeport Post, 1969-04-24
Last updated: 10 Oct 2021