Siegfried von Northeim
1)Greve von Northeim.
son of --- (-1004). 982. Graf von Northeim 1002.
m firstly MATHILDE, daughter of ---. The Annalista Saxo names "comitissa Machtilde" as wife of "Sigefridus comes de Northeim".
m secondly ETHELINDE, daughter of ---. Thietmar names "Ethelind" as wife of Count Siegfried, recording that she welcomed Ekkehard I Markgraf von Meissen at Northeim in 1002 and warned him that her husband's sons "Sigifrith and Benno" were plotting to kill him. The text implies that Ethelinde may not have been the mother of the sons in question. However, the fact that Siegfried's great-granddaughter was named Ethelinde suggests a blood relationship with Ethelinde senior. Another possibility is that "comitissa Machtilde" and "Ethelind" were in fact the same person, mother of both Siegfried's sons.
m firstly MATHILDE, daughter of ---. The Annalista Saxo names "comitissa Machtilde" as wife of "Sigefridus comes de Northeim".
m secondly ETHELINDE, daughter of ---. Thietmar names "Ethelind" as wife of Count Siegfried, recording that she welcomed Ekkehard I Markgraf von Meissen at Northeim in 1002 and warned him that her husband's sons "Sigifrith and Benno" were plotting to kill him. The text implies that Ethelinde may not have been the mother of the sons in question. However, the fact that Siegfried's great-granddaughter was named Ethelinde suggests a blood relationship with Ethelinde senior. Another possibility is that "comitissa Machtilde" and "Ethelind" were in fact the same person, mother of both Siegfried's sons.
- Sources
- 1. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 8, West-, mittel- und nordeuropäische Familien, Tafel 132Author: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)Publishing: Marburg:1980(Secondary source)