Martin Brandt's ancestors
Note! There is insufficient evidence to consider one or both of the parents as confirmed. Here, I have shared my working hypothesis regarding who they might be.

Helmoldus de Luneborg

1) 2) (fm mm mf ff fm mm fm mf fm ff ff ff ff and fm mm mf ff fm mm mf mf ff ff f f f f f)
Father: Heinrich de Bodwide (dictus de Odeme) (- <1209)
Mother (disputed): Nn von Dolen
Deadafter 1225 1) 2)
Family with Nn von Grote
Var 1224 korsfarare i Livland, deltog 1225 i erövringen av Wierland.

  • Sources
  • 1. Supplement till Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor, ursprungligen utgivna av Gustaf Elgenstierna, sid 788
    Author: Szabad, Carl (redaktör/utgivare)
    Publishing: Solna: Sveriges släktforskarförbund, 2008
  • 2. Familiengeschichte Buxhoeveden, sid 86
    Author: Buxhoeveden, Hanns-Albert von
    Publishing: Hamburg:1962
Last updated: 20 Aug 2017