Martin Brandt's ancestors

Friedrich av Luxemburg

1) (ff mf mf mm mm mm mm mf mm mf mm mm mm mf fm mf fm f and ff mf mf mm mm mm mm mf mm mm ff ff ff fm mf fm f)
Greve av Salm och Luxemburg.
Father: Siegfried av Luxemburg (- 998)
Mother: Hedwig (- >993)
Dead6 Oct 1019 1)
Family with Nn
son of SIEGFRIED Comte [de Luxembourg] & his wife Hedwig --- (-6 Oct 1019). "Domna Berta, viri illustris Volcmari comitis relicta" donated property "in pago Moselensi in comitatu Waldeleuinga cui Gisilbertus comes...villa Mudenfert" to St Maximin, Trier by charter dated 996 witnessed by "Friderich comes". Herimannus names "Theoderico Metense episcopo et Heinrico Baioriæ duce Fridericoque comite" as brothers of "Adalbero clericus, reginæ Cunigundis germanus", when recording their rebellion against Emperor Heinrich II in 1008. The Annales Quedlinburgenses record the death in 1019 of "Fridericus, frater Cunigundæ imperatricis". Graf im Moselgau. Vogt of Stablo and Malmédy.
m --- [von Hammerstein] heiress of Gleiberg, daughter of HERIBERT Graf im Kinziggau Pfalzgraf [Konradiner] & his wife Imiza --- (-after 985). The parentage of the wife of Graf Friedrich is suggested by the Vita Adelheidis which names "Irminthrudis, Alverad [et] Berthrada" as the three sisters of Adelheid, daughters of "Megengoz" & his wife, specifying that Irminthrudis was grandmother of "Heinrici magnifici ducis et Adhelberonis Metensis episcopi, Friderici ducis", although the primary source which confirms the name of her father has not yet been identified. Another indication is provided by the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines which records [her son] "Gislebertus comes de Luscelenburch" as "nepos" of Emperor Konrad II.

  • Sources
  • 1. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten. N.F., Bd 1:2, Přemysliden, Askanier, Herzoge von Lothringen, die Häuser Hessen, Württemberg und Zähringen., Tafel 203
    Author: Schwennicke, Detlev (red.)
    Publishing: Marburg:1999
Last updated: 28 Mar 2018