Note! There is insufficient evidence to consider one or more of the ancestors as confirmed. Here, I have shared my working hypothesis regarding who they might be.Elna Vållemarsdotter* 15 Jul 1706 Fjälkinge nr 20, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L) Vållemar Nilsson* about 1670 Fjälkinge nr 23, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L)† 1736 Fjälkinge nr 20, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L)Bonde i Fjälkinge 20Was about 66 years old.Nils Persson* about 1641 Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L)† 1717 Fjälkinge nr 23, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L)Bonde Fjälkinge 23Was about 76 years old.Per Svensson † about 1684 Fjälkinge nr 41, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L) Boel † before 1687 Anna* about 1649† 1720 Fjälkinge nr 23, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L) Was 71 years old.Gunnel Oredsdotter* about 1670† 1724 Fjälkinge nr 20, Fjälkinge, Fjälkinge (L) Was 54 years old.Ored Håkansson* about 1636† 1721 Fjälkinge (L) Was about 85 years old.Number of generations: 3Zoom: 100%