Martin Brandt's ancestors

Catherine Vanderhoven

Was 71 years old.
Born Oct 1850 Nederländerna1)
Dead16 Jun 1922 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA2) Brandt - Mrs. Kate Brandt, Friday, June
16, age 71; wife of the late John Brandt
and fond mother of Harry, Norman J., Mrs.
Anna Dempsey, and Mrs. William Brauer,
sister of Richard and Conrelius Vanderho-
ben and Mrs. Alice Kleinhuizen. Funeral
Monday, June 10, at 2 p.m.. from the resi-
dence of her daughter, 2050 Logan blvd.,
to Mount Olive cemetery. Member of Ma-
ple Leaf, Rebecca lodge, No. 360. Kindly
omit flowers.
Family with Johannes Petterson Brandt (1839 - 1910)
  • Sources
  • 1. Indiana, USA, vigslar, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
  • 2.
Last updated: 8 Jan 2023