Martin Brandt's ancestors

Brita Johansdotter Barck

Was 71 years old.
Father: Johannes Ludovici Barck (1597 - 1665)
Mother: Margareta Larsdotter Flojera (- 1674)
Born1647 Barkeryd (F)1)
Dead1718 Döderhult (H)1)
Family with Sven Nilsson (- ~1668)
Married1668 Barkeryd (F)2)
Family with Per Hemmingsson Bruun (- 1699)
Marriedabout 1670
Family with Lars Henriksson (- 1702)
Marriedabout 1700
  • Sources
  • 1.
  • 2. Smolandi Upsalienses band III, sid 790
Last updated: 16 Apr 2016