Note! There is insufficient evidence to consider one or both of the parents as confirmed. Here, I have shared my working hypothesis regarding who they might be.
Pernilla Pålsdotter
Father: Pål Ryman (~1666 - 1746)
Mother (disputed): Kersti (~1670 - 1754)
Dead | after 1752 1) |
Married | 1 Dec 1734 Förslöv (L)2) | Mickel Knutsson ifrån Venediket ock hjärnarups Sochn ock Pärnilla Påhlsdotter ifrån Fogdarp d 1 Decemb: |
- Sources
- 1. Kristianstads läns landskontor t o m ca 1900 (L) EIII:13 (1753), SE/LLA/108941, Bild 4060 / sid 800, AID: v98712a.b4060.s800
- 2. Förslöv CI:1 (1711-1748), Bild 121 / sid 229 (AID: v99154.b121.s229, NAD: SE/LLA/13104)