Note! There is insufficient evidence to consider one or more of the ancestors as confirmed. Here, I have shared my working hypothesis regarding who they might be.Jöns Månsson* 1711 Tostarp, Kropp (M) Måns Tuvesson* between 1652 and 1658† 1741 Lydestad, Kropp (M) Was at most 89 years old.Tuve Mattsson Känd 1610-1654 i Lydestad, Mörarp (M) Mats Åkesson Känd 1584--1625 ▸Karna Eskilsdotter* about 1688† 1761 Lydestad, Kropp (M) Was 73 years old.Eskil Jönsson † 1711 Björka, Kropp (M) Agda Nilsdotter* about 1663 Filborna nr 5, Filborna, Helsingborgs landsförsamling (M)† 1702 Björka, Kropp (M) Was 39 years old.Nils Jonsson † between 1676 and 1680 Filborna nr 5, Filborna, Helsingborgs landsförsamling (M) ▸Pernilla Persdotter* about 1632† 1725 Filborna nr 10, Filborna, Helsingborgs landsförsamling (M) Was 93 years old.▸Number of generations: 3Zoom: 100%